Clinica Holistica Engiadina

PhD students

The Clinica Holistica Engiadina SA (CHE) is the first specialized clinic for stress-related illnesses / burnout in Switzerland. The clinic's range of services is specialized in the holistic diagnosis and treatment of stress-related illnesses. It is our goal to continuously further develop the effectiveness of our treatment approach based on the latest scientific findings and to assess it by conducting studies.

"Holistica" in the name of the clinic stands for the integrated, holistic therapy approach of psyche and body. The essential success factor is the combination of various specialized (psycho-)therapy methods, the content of which is entirely geared to the patients' issues and goals.

Tranquility, discretion, the distance to the stressful situation and our predestined location are important factors for our actions and work.

Clinica Holistica Engiadina
Plaz 40
7542 Susch

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